5 Car Improvement Tricks for 2019

So you’ve got a car that works just fine. It’s got a good stereo, decent mileage and you’ve been driving it with care to avoid pocket burns. Maintaining a car is the basic deal but there’s much more one can do without breaking the bank. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a better boost from your old ride? Or what if you could feel like you just bought a new car this year without spending much?

There are plenty of modifications that can add a great deal of verve to the swerve. We’ll start with the basics and list down 5 car improvement tricks for a better car

Weight reduction: Get a quick performance boost with this simple trick in the book. Remove unnecessary elements from your car and make sure to keep it clean. The lighter your car is, the less fuel it will use.

Use high-quality components: Cheap parts will all cumulatively lead to strain and wear on the car’s engine followed by exorbitant expenditure on damage control. High-quality oil, fuel, tires, etc. can all bring a massive change in performance and will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Dog hammock: Got dogs? Get a dog hammock for the back seat to keep them safe and snug from sudden braking. It’ll also make cleaning up dog hair a breeze!

Backseat organiser: Install awesome backseat organisers to keep little things from falling and rolling under the seats. Seriously, these babies are so much fun and functional, they’re the perfect equipment for family cars. You can even enjoy a date night, watch a movie on the go while a driver takes you to your weekend getaway destination

Clean your air conditioner: Indian roads are dusty. Filtering all the dust and pollution over time causes the filtration to diminish. Get your AC flushed and cleaned to enjoy cleaner air and more powerful blowers!

Heading out? Get yourself a professional driver. DriveU now offers insured trips too! Hire now :)